Friday, June 14, 2019

International operation individual 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

International operation individual 1 - Essay ExampleCurrently it has a membership of matchless hundred and fifty nine countries. This story focuses on the functions of being great deal plaque and how it was establishment. It also looks at how the international organization handled a carry on dispute. Objectives of World Trade Organization The world bargain organization was formed to achieve various objectives. Promotion of global trade is one of the aims for its formation. The trade organization ensures that all countries benefit from business operations in the international market (Sinha, 2012). For example, Content Cow dairy farm Inc come with can realize better returns from its milk sales globally from this objective. Additionally, increase in the take aim of production among trading countries is another objective of world trade organization. To achieve this objective, the trade organization ensures that member countries enlarge their productivity through utilization of world resources. Another objective of world trade organization is implementation of global trading systems. This is done by ensuring member countries adhere to the set regulations of world trade among its members. Functions of World Trade organization The world trade organization was established to carry out various business functions globally. Implementation of its objectives and trade agreements among its member countries is one of the core functions of world trade organization. The global organization provides a framework to ensure the smooth flow of business operations internationally. It also administers multilateral trade agreements among countries as a way to implement its objectives (Sinha, 2012). This trade organization can be beneficial to Mr. Swanson of Content Cow Dairy Company because of one main(prenominal) reason. Firstly, his milk product business will flow smoothly between diametrical countries globally because of the framework provided by the trade organization. Eventually, the Dairy Cow Company will be able to reach more markets internationally with the presence of a well defined business agreement. From the above explanations, the world trade organization provides a favorable environment to conduct business activities. World Trade organization provides a platform for negotiations (Sinha, 2012). It provides a forum where its members can debate on the issues affecting them. This organization offers its member countries opportunities to discuss trade relation matters. Seeking new markets could be one issue that affects operations of businesses among different countries. This organization offers its members with different options of accessing new markets. For example, Content Dairy Cow electric chair is seeking fresh markets overseas to promote his companys products. Through world trade organization, the president can find new markets. This is achieved through the negotiation forums offered by the trade organization (Ahearn, 2010). Additiona lly, the trade organizations offer its members the best markets to sell their products and services internationally. For example, Egypt is Content Dairy Companys major market. The world trade organization can propose better plans for the company maximize profits from this prime market. Use of consulting firms or agencies to give advice on business operations is also another function of the world trade organization. The organization uses legally established trade consulting agencies

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